Palliative Care/ Hospice
We can work closely with your loved one’s physician and hospice service to develop a completely customized hospice & palliative medicine program for your loved one.
Hospice Pharmacy Solutions Include:
Completely Customizable Pain Medicine Strengths — Many times in a hospice setting, commercial strengths of pain medicine aren’t strong enough. We can create a customized pain medication strength, so that your loved one feels completely comfortable during hospice care.
Transdermal Dosage Forms — We supply these to eliminate painful injections, when patients simply are unable swallow their medicines, and minimize the nausea that comes with taking certain medications orally.
Flavorings — Many times hospice patients may have an aversion to certain tastes, such as sweetness. We can make the preparations palatable for them, when the commercial preparations aren’t.
Unavailable Medications — We have an ongoing drug shortage problem in our modern health care system. The medications are often not being made in sufficient quantities by manufacturers, and alternatives are ineffective for your loved one. In these instances, we can make the medications for you, from the raw ingredients.
Combination Preparations — We can combine several of your loved one’s medications into a single dosage form, such as a transdermal gel, suppository, or capsule. This can simplify the medication administration schedule, making it easier on you, your hospice provider, and your loved one. Hospice care is an inherently difficult time for your family. We want you to know that you have a friend in The Compounding Pharmacy of America. We will do everything in our power to alleviate the drug administration issues that often occur during hospice.